Height (Height is in feet & inches eg. 5ft 5in = 5.5 ): 5.8
Weight: 78 KG
Marital Status: Unmarried
Cast: Aggarwal
Gotra: Garg
Jain or Non Jain: Non Jain
If Jain:
Manglik Status: Non Manglik
Mother Tongue: Hindi
Complexion: Fair
Body Structure: Average
Physical Disability (if any):
Father's Name: Mr Yogesh Kumar Gupta
Father's Occupation: Businessman
Mother's Name: Mrs Rekha Gupta
Mother's Occupation: Homemaker
No. of Married brothers: 1
No. of Unmarried brothers: 0
No. of Married sisters: 1
No. of Unmarried sisters: 0
House : Own
House Type : Kothi
Describe Your Kothi/flat : We own 2nd floor, 3rd floor and terrace. 125 sq yard each.
Brief about your family : I belong to a well mannered middle class family and strongly believe in culture,rituals & holds an open minded personality. I am a Caring, trust worthy and warm person. I share a great bond with my family and have a big circle of friends. I am Affectionate, kind-hearted, caring, happy & very understanding. My hobbies are listening music, watching movies, long drives, chilling with family and friends.
Native Place: Delhi
Marriage Budget: D 25 to 50 lacks
Qualification: B.Com
Additional Qualification:
Occupation: Business
Your Income (in Lakhs): Lacks
Details of Business:
Address of Business:
Business Owner:
Family Annual Income (in Lakhs): 24 Lakh
Interest, Hobbies etc.: I belong to a well mannered middle class family and strongly believe in culture, rituals & holds an open-minded personality. I am a Caring, trust worthy and warm person. I share a great bond with my family and have a big circle of friends. I am Affectionate, kind-hearted, caring, happy & very understanding. My hobbies are listening music, watching movies, long drives, chilling with family and friends.
Profile created By: Mother
Age: 24 to 28
Height (Height is in feet & inches eg. 5ft 5in = 5.5 ): 5.2 to 5.4
Marital Status:Unmarried
Any Special Requirements (Marital):
Education (minimum): UnderGraduate
Occupation: Not Working
Salary/Annual Income (in Lakhs):
Marriage Budget : D 25 to 50 lacks - D 25 to 50 lacks