- DOB: 16-11-1988
- Birth Time: 01:55:PM
- Birth Place: Delhi
- Gender: Female
- Height (Height is in feet & inches eg. 5ft 5in = 5.5 ): 5.7
- Weight: 57 KG
- Marital Status: Unmarried
- Cast: Aggarwal
- Gotra: Bansal
- Jain or Non Jain: Non Jain
- If Jain:
- Manglik Status: Non Manglik
- Mother Tongue: Hindi
- Complexion: Very Fair
- Body Structure:
- Physical Disability (if any):
- Father's Name: Naresh Bansal
- Father's Occupation: Business
- Mother's Name: Sunita Bansal
- Mother's Occupation: Homemaker
- No. of Married brothers: 1
- No. of Unmarried brothers: 0
- No. of Married sisters: 0
- No. of Unmarried sisters: 1
- House : Own
- House Type : Kothi
- Describe Your Kothi/flat : 3 floors joint kothi
- Brief about your family :
- Native Place: Rajasthan
- Marriage Budget: D 25 to 50 lacks
- Qualification: MBA PGDM part time
- Additional Qualification:
- Occupation: Service
- Your Income (in Lakhs): Lacks
- Employment Details:
- Location:
- Family Annual Income (in Lakhs): Lakh
- Interest, Hobbies etc.:
- Profile created By: Father
- Age: 34 to 38
- Height (Height is in feet & inches eg. 5ft 5in = 5.5 ): 5.4 to 5.10
- Marital Status:Unmarried
- Any Special Requirements (Marital):
- Education (minimum): MBA PGDM
- Occupation: Any
- Salary/Annual Income (in Lakhs): 0
- Marriage Budget : D 25 to 50 lacks - C 50 to 75 lacks
- Any other consideration of budget:
- Location:
- Interested in Same Gotra: Yes
- Interested in Jain: Yes
- Kundli Match Required: Not Necessary
- Any Other specific Requirement:
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